How to Start Sass

SASS is stand for Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets. First of all install ruby in your system from the download : here. After the installation system should be restart and then open cmd and use this command gem install sass
For the windows and use for the mac sudo gem install sass . For the double check you can check version of ruby use this command: sass -v
For more information read from this urls:

Now you can create a main project folder, inside create new folder where you want creating sass file and go to create a new folder where you will find a compiled css file. As like:
D:\other\mainFolder\app\sass\style.scss For input .scss file.
D:\other\mainFolder\public\stylesheets\style.css For output .css file.

You will use .css where your require, it will work as like your main css.
When you will add in your .scss file it will detected and compile automatic your main css as given screen image.

(You can also create your folder as you wish, this is only for sample.)

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